When looking back at the task I feel one of the most important things I have learnt involves teamwork, because this was identified as a problem when creating our continuity sequence - the cinematographer didn't capture the shots or angles me and the other group members were expecting. This showed me how working in a team throughout the production process right through to the completed product is a key factor because it becomes quite difficult and time consuming going over sections which should have been completed. This issue also became a problem in our title sequence as we discovered it was quite difficult to involve everyone idea's because this leads to confusion and eventually consequences with an unsuccessful outcome. When this situation was raised we didn't sort it out, therefore it continued to form many more mistakes and errors. When filming the second attempt at the title sequence we quickly highlighted any problems we may have and worked as a team to produce new idea's that everyone felt positive about. I feel this is an aspect I will take on to other tasks in order to avoid this situation again. I also learnt how important having a target audience is because this was our basic idea in which we began to work around; a target audience also means we were able to relate to similar films to ours such as Johnny English and Get Smart. Before the process we were able to highlight the iconography, mis-en-scene, cinematography used in similar films which proved to be very helpful to identify props and locations we would need to use to convey our genre. Even though a target audience wasn't essential when creating our continuity sequence, planning before hand was. We did this through story boards where we was able to record which angles and shots we would use. I feel planning is very important because it means everyone knows what it happening and when; this also ensures all props and locations will be used. Another aspect I have learnt include the codes and conventions of genre, in specific action and comedy. I found this research and knowledge to be very useful when creating our title sequence because we were able to plan a narrative and our shots following some conventions of action which include close ups and long shots. This was also important in our continuity sequence; however we did not have to follow a specific genre but fulfil a set task.
When it came to the editing of the continuity sequence I found it very difficult to make each shot lead smoothly into the next, this was due to the fact we had only took each shot once and didn't give enough time at the beginning or end to cut any off on final cut pro. This meant my outcome was very jumpy and unsophisticated. This made me realise in our title sequence we would capture each shot several times, so when it came to the editing process we would have a good range to work with if any involved errors we could easily use another.
Watching the continuity sequence over made me realise how much good actors are needed to create a successful outcome because I personally feel some of the acting removed the sense of realism. This also became an issue in our first title sequence as the acting didn't feel convincing enough and so in the second attempt we used someone which could present good facial expressions and actions to form a positive outcome with the feeling of surrealism as this would make the audience feel more involved and believe the narrative.
Overall I feel the continuity sequence opened my eyes to how much work is actually involved in an outcome which include planning, production, editing etc. I feel this knowledge helped me understand what was needed when creating the title sequence.
Our title sequence is based around a clueless spy who has minimal knowledge. The character doesn't represent a stereotypical spy because they are normally smart and understand how to complete their mission, whereas our character is shown to be child like through actions such as hiding behind a pole and jumping over a wall. The character also represents the male gender which when placed in a scene with a woman in a bar he is seen to be the stronger gender as she is a bar worker serving him drinks as he sits and waits. The fact she has red nail varnish connotes seduction, and he winks at her which shows women to be objects and there for men to look at (male gaze.) However, as Mr Teddy is chasing a lose gunman in the street it appears the person holding the large machine gun is a woman which shows them to be powerful and confident. Although this can also present how women are unable to fight for themselves and have to rely on large dangerous objects to support them, whereas Mr . Teddy has a very small gun. She has also hidden her identity with a scarf which could indicate a lack of strength as an individual as she isn't brave enough to show who she is, it could also suggest she doesn't want to be identified as a woman as her face and hair are completely covered, therefore she could deceive the audience to be a male. As Mr Teddy follows the woman he hides behind a pole that is to small for him, but it appears the woman doesn't see him which shows her to be unaware of her surroundings. In the next clip Mr Teddy has retrieved the woman's gun which shows her to be weak as she has been beaten; but Mr teddy is unable to control the gun which shows his weakness and lack of knowledge. In every scene Mr Teddy is seen to be wearing a suit which implies he respects himself and is of higher class who takes care in his appearance.
The next male character we see is in the car scene where he leans over and strangles Mr Teddy; this presents men to be smart as he didn't go out in the street with a huge gun, instead he quietly hid where he could make his move - this involves patience and planning which contributes to men being smart. But it could also show the male figure to be aggressive and strong as he didn't need a weapon to hurt someone.
Overall we have presented a range of social groups throughout our title sequence but mainly focuses on gender.
Today we was able to edit all our new footage together, add the old titles, transitions and music; I feel it has been improved and I am very happy with the new outcome because the narrative is easier to understand and will appeal to our target audience. The codes and conventions of our genre are also presented more clearly and the pace of the sequence has been much improved. Overall I have learnt that planning and teamwork is very important when it comes to creating a successful outcome.
After receiving the feedback and grade for our title sequence my group felt disappointed and wanted to do better. Once we analysed the positives and negatives about our title sequence we decided to plan to scenes which would have a better flow with improved camera shots and convincing props/iconography to fulfil some of the conventions to our genre; action.We also discussed the location and how it looked to much like a school and the fact in some scenes we did not use a tripod, hence our outcome looking unsophisticated and rushed. However, we really liked the typography, transitions and music used and so these would be kept in our new outcome. We began our new sequence with Mr Teddy having a quick costume change, this immediately represented how he was to change from his normal life into an undercover spy; this involved a wide shot which we all felt really well because it was simple but the performance created a significant action. We then went on to using key iconography such as a smart suit, cocktail and a gun; this made the title sequence much easier to understand because our previous one did not present Mr Teddy as being a spy for our target audience to understand. Even though we were focusing on Mr Teddy being a spy we also had to remember the comedy side and so we ensured simple but funny actions were used to connote Mr teddy's personality such as him hiding behind a pole that's smaller than him. Overall the reshooting was very successful because we had a wider range of shots, improved location and props and a joyful atmosphere. I feel very pleased with the new footage and can't wait to edit it all together.