
Friday, 23 November 2012

Sound Design - 5/11/12

The aim of this lesson was to be able to indicate what the three different types of sound design are.

What is sound design?
Sound design is the creation and layering of dialogue, background noise and other sound effects to create a sophisticated and aural enivronment.
What does it involves?

Diegetic Sound: Sound which exists in the world of the film.

Non-digetic: Sound which does not exist in the world of the film.

Incidental sound/ music: Music added to enhance the feeling/ mood of a scene.

Contrapuntal sound/music: Music which doesn't seem to 'fit' the scene.

Sound bridge: Music/ sound effects which create a transition between two scenes.

Dialogue: Characters speaking.

Voice over: Non-digetic - usually the voice of a character- narrator or their thoughts.

Foley: Enhancement of sounds carried out in editing.

Three main styles
Realism: Natural sounds which are realistic to the viewer.
Hyper-realism: Exaggeration of sounds
Unrealism/Surrealism: Sound which wouldn't normally be heard; doesn't 'fit' the scene (unrealistic)

Key Points
Dialogue track: Dialogue recorded separately
Wild track: Audio which is recorded but is not in sync with the footage E.g. Rainforest background noises.
Foley track: The use of additional sound.
Soundtrack: Adding music

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